Saturday, July 26, 2008

Valley baseball takes home gold

ENDICOTT — Officials have conferred and awarded Hudson Valley's baseball team gold medals following tonight's dangerous storms.In short, tonight's weather left the field here at Union Endicott High School (not to mention most around the area) unplayable and ESG officials determined under the circumstances, the tournament could not continue at a reasonable time tomorrow.

As a result, Hudson Valley, which claimed the top seed in the standings following several tie-breakers, was awarded the top award.

"Hudson Valley wins the gold. Adirondack takes the silver, based upon the field conditions," said state baseball chairman Drew Marino, a Mahopac resident. "What happened was, we had a three-way tie for first (between Hudson Valley, Adirondack and Central) and then all the teams were 1-1 and then it went to run differential.

"So that's what happened. We had a rain-shortened tournament."

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